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Dr Alexia Vassallo
LL.D,  M.A 

Dr Alexia Vassallo is a lawyer specialising in Civil and Criminal Law disputes.  She is the founder of AV Legal.

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After graduating with a Bachelor of Laws and a Doctor of Laws at the University of Malta, Dr Vassallo went on to read for a Masters in International Criminal Law, with a special emphasis on Child abduction cases and international marriages. 


Dr Vassallo assists clients going though separation proceedings, co- parenting disputes, maintenance disputes, access agreements for minors and the division of the Community of Acquests or any other marriage regime governing the said marriage.  Dr Vassallo also assists clients who are not married.  


Dr Vassallo has always had a keen interest in Criminal Litigation, especially issues arising out of Family disputes.  Her mission is to help restore family relations and help parties to co-parent in an amicable manner. 

Dr Vassallo believes that every person has the right to the assistance of lawyer, as well as to be protected even when criminal charges are brought against a person.  The presumption of innocence is entrenched in the Laws of Malta together with the right to legal assistance and fair hearing. 


Let's Connect! Here is how you can find me.

Mob: +356 79284175

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