Nov 28, 20211 min read
Divorce in Malta
Divorce in Malta may be demanded by a court application either jointly by both parties or else by one party against the other party....
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- Marital dissolution
- Mediation
- Separation
- Child Custody
-Protection against Domestic Violence
- Guardianship & Curatorship
-Access Agreements
- Maintenance agreements
- Warrants and protection orders
- Divorce
-Civil Annulments
- Protection orders
- Warrants
- Child Abduction
- Issues of Domestic violence
- Access arrangements
- Maintenance
- Parental alienation
- Disputes relating to children
- Cohabitation
- Child Maintenance
- Division of Assets
- Legal representation for the rights of the accused party
- Legal defence for the rights of the injured party.
- Child Abduction and unlawful retention of children
- International marriage disputes.
- Recognition and Enforcements of Foreign Judgments
-Application of Maltese Law in international disputes
There Is No Lawyer More Eloquent Than the Heart.
Sylvain Maréchal (1788)